Baptiste Battles Abusive Boyfriends In New Music Video


We heard a preview of model and Karl Lagerfeld male muse Baptiste Giabiconi’s new single a month or two ago, but had yet to feast our eyes on the visual feat that is his Americana-themed music video. While we’ve previously voiced concerns regarding his acting prowess, the video for “Showtime” lays Giabiconi’s talents bare: the man was meant to be an action star.
The storyline in sum: Giabiconi has his eyes on a pretty little thing who works and/or lives at a desert gas station but she’s being held in the evil clutches of an abusive, dirty flannel-wearing American who warns Giabiconi to “go on home while [he] still can.” Giabiconi heeds the advice, only to return, whisk his lady friend of into the night — well, more specifically, into a seedy roadside motel. The flannel wearing American isn’t happy about this and rounds up his pipe-wielding goon friends who track Giabiconi to the aforementioned motel, while dusty bombs explode throughout the desert sand. We won’t spoil the ending.

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