Dragon Ball Kai Manga Anime Cartoon

Dragon Ball Kai Manga Anime Cartoon
When Dragon Ball Z first aired in Japan, it was running side-by-side with the manga, and so that's how we got to the DBZ anime being so chock full of filler -- they had to stretch those manga chapters pretty damn far. Dragon Ball Kai is the remastering in Hi Definition of an anime cult classic Dragon Ball Z done for the 20th anniversary of the beginning of the series. From April 1989 to January 1996 and long afterward Dragon Ball Z captivated audiences and became an anime classic. Personally I have a special relationship.

Most of the feedback I have read so far related to Dragon Ball Kai has been negative but for me I look forward to watching the entire 100 episodes of DB Kai while reminiscing on the early days of my anime obsession and look out for my favourite scenes.

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