Naruto Shippuuden is the story of Naruto Uzumaki, in the original animated TV series Naruto. This is based on the Japanese comic created by the famous Japanese manga artist, Mashashi Kishimoto. The TV series gained much popularity through out the world that different companies broadcast it through different languages after the translation. It has become the most popular series in the world with its amazing hand-drawn animated graphics. It is also much attractive with its special effects. It also contains some annoying flash backs through out the episodes, which is considered as the huge deal of anime goodness by the people through out the globe. Anime Shippuuden is the online free anime website which is providing more than 500 anime series and movies for the people of different continents. All the episodes of Naruto Shippuuden are now available through anime
Naruto Shippuuden has 220 episodes, among which the first 134 episodes are based on the manga of Mashashi Kishimoto. The episodes which followed the first 134, are the fillers. The Naruto Shippuuden story is about the older and a still more matured Uzumaki Naruto, who is in a quest to save his friend, Uchiha Sasuke from the grips of a snake like creature (shinobi) called Orochimaru. Naruto Shippuuden is a fifteen year old boy, who always shows his physical abilities, strength, speed and other techniques. He is sported in new out fit, and shows his intelligence and sometimes the cunningness too, wherever required. He is a loud, hyper active adolescent ninja or shinobi, who is always in a search for the recognition and the approval by others. He also want to become the �~Hokage’, Hokage is the strongest person and the leader of the people who lives in the village.
Naruto Shippuuden goes back to the village of Konoha, and works hard to make his dream come true to become the Hokage of the village. Naruto is aware that it is not an easy thing to become the Hokage. Again he has to face a group of more dangerous enemies called Akatsuki. These new enemies all belong to the organization of shinobies. The whole story of these 220 episodes is character driven and casuality is incorporated through out the series when the characters reciprocate the past actions and relationships. The destinies of the characters are much intertwined with each other.
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