The Inuyasha
Kikyo is Miko (Shinto clergy women) of great spiritual strength is able to overcome the many invisible elements and to cleanse evil. Because he trusted the ability to hold the first shikon no, the ball that can give strength to anyone who uses, to maintain purity and are protected from crime.
In between the killing perjuangannya invisible against the evil that tries, Kikyo also sorang hanyo (half invisible man) named Inuyasha who want to seize shikon no first because you want to use the crystal ball becomes invisible to sterling. Kikyo look good in a hanyo coltish this, so never have intention to injure each other. Meeting for the meeting to make them know each other and understand each others situation, and to grow in the love between them. Kikyo Inuyasha was on offer so that no first use shikon to change into a human, and they live together as a human being, because without shikon no Kikyo akan first became a human being not have the power to fight big invisible. Inuyasha did not suspect that high-minded girl that was having such strong feelings on it, try to consider the offer ... until finally receiving.
On the other hand, a time Kikyo help of a hijacker's body burned and paralyzed so that can only lie in a cave. Every day Kikyo Kaede accompanied adiknya still always the small, to feed the men and called Onigumo (spider demons) that, unexpectedly turns up to the feeling you want to have in the hearts Onigumo.
Susu dibalas like water with the water tuba, Onigumo the body in order to get on the invisible power and obsession have Kikyo. Because the strength of hundreds of invisible evil menguasainya, Onigumo as if born again become invisible and very strong pawky called Naraku.
Right on the day of Inuyasha and Kikyo shikon no first use to change into human Inuyasha, who appear in front of Kikyo is' Inuyasha 'is without doubt the attack and seize cakarnya no shikon first of Kikyo. Kikyo was very angry and disappointed, because he was so confident in Inuyasha. Inuyasha until after the riot in the temple and destroy the village Kikyo, Inuyasha seal it with panahnya. With the strength of the remaining injured as severe enough, ask Kikyo Kaede to burn the body that brings shikon first so that no crystal ball that disappeared from this earth along with his death ...
50 years later, no shikon first appear again together with the presence Kagome's future is the reincarnation of Kikyo. Inuyasha segelnya has also been released by Kagome who have spiritual strength equivalent to Kikyo.
One day, showing a witch named urasue women who want to make a doll in the form telling Kikyo. He stole the bones and grave soil Kikyo who are not far from the temple that is now kept Kikyo Kaede. With a little soul who was taken from Kagome, Urasue successfully raised again Kikyo Miko renowned as a strong. But instead of a doll that can be controlled for Urasue, shortly after the rise Kikyo immediately destroy the witch. Then Kikyo attacks Inuyasha wanted, but because the strength is not enough to fight then he fled.
Kikyo also serve as a zombie with the invisible force called shinidamachu collect the soul of a new young girl died, and he still save revenge on Inuyasha.
"If I am still alive ... Maybe I will change it"
After hearing a description of Kaede, Kikyo understand that he and Inuyasha have diadu-sheep. He then try to pursue Naraku, although it still did not want to join with Inuyasha and his friends who travel together. Inuyasha Kikyo view has been changed, highlight the eyes, which was not trust anyone, now has to find a place to share. Hanyo which is always a rough and have no friend, it is preferred and can be good. One thing that you want to do on the first Inuyasha, that has been done by Kagome ...
Kikyo is very skillful use bow and arrow to defeat the enemy. Kagome still a beginner in the use of these weapons can not compete. Kikyo but also because only recessive alone. At such time, Inuyasha always come to help him because it did not want to lose for the second time Kikyo. And at that time Kagome also have to realize its position as the second.
End Struggle Kikyo
Initially, Kikyo is still predominantly a revenge so no respect human life. He even had time to take a chance trying to kill Kagome. But little by little he is affected by virtue Kagome and the others, even to the nature of the original return. Kikyo sacrificing himself to defeat Naraku, but was unsuccessful. Previously, Kikyo is destroyed because of toxic Naraku but he still appeared to survive and be successful by Kagome. But for the second time, Kagome can not afford to save Kikyo. Not only Inuyasha, but Kagome and the others also feel lost because at the end of her Kikyo has become part of them.
And at the time kepergiannya, just Inuyasha Kikyo to accompany the body of the girl who lost a light into the night swallowed.
The Inuyasha
Film and Animation Festival
For the third time, near the campus in cooperation with the Goethe Institut
the Festival Short Film and Animation of the theme Ping!
Pong! Besides in Bandung, this festival will also dikelilingkan ` 'in the
Jakarta (Saturday, 5 June this) and Denpasar (6-8 June).
This film festival is only held a one day course is also
Robin Mallick present, leaders of Animation Film Festival and Film
Dresden who have been short as much as 16 times held. And
series of films that played mainly works of winner
film festivals than films animated historical collection
German Institute for Animation Film (DIAF) and works best
High School students Film and TV Postdam-Babelsberg, Germany.
For the program in Bandung, film is divided into three programs
German film in a package of animated film of their own.
Three German film program consisting of film animation studio option
DEFA Film & Animation, best animated film of High School Postdam -
Babelsberg film and the best from Germany and Austria. Films
This is a film be short, about 2 - 15 minutes and each
average program consists of a series of more than 5 movies. To
works from home, showing the animated film (very) short
work-study students dkv itb Animation I lecture on the Force's
2000 and 2001.
German Film & Animation
Animated films choices DEFA film presents five fruit
`animated classic 'be calculated with a simple story of eligible
and suitable for children. Films with this technology been
analog, both with the drawing animation, siluet and dolls.
Theme that was also the stories for children such as
Beauty and The Beast (Die Schone und das Tier) and the classic story
Ali's Persian tale.
Beauty and The Beast been with the German version of technical animation
dolls (stop motion animation) bertutur with style tale, where
all stories dituturkan through which a narator
change the voice tone and intonation as the dialogue between
character. Costumes and settings based on its culture of Germany,
with a very strong gesture in helping to build the story.
Many small details that been well and sometimes
not felt necessary, but overall a significant
for the entire film. Meanwhile, Ali und der Hexenmeister, because
taken from a Persian tale, been with the background and visualization
the Persians, taking ideas from Persian miniature illustrations
that appear with the image that even with full ornaments and East
The middle. Take the form of animated character animation siluet, and
Persian mengusung ornaments still in their entirety. This is a film
interesting because of `borrowing 'Persian visual elements that are very strong and
made with very serious in developing the overall theme
story. How bertuturnya also done with the yarn
through narator.
Movies fallende Der Schatten is a puppet animation film that
produced by Sojusmultfilm Studio, Moscow. Film laden message
moral and symbols were formed with the animation with dolls
editing like live action movies (multi-layer, effect of light and
etc.). Characterization is built with the design character and
a strong gesture, because not a lot of dialogue going. Setting -
take its Greek-Roman era, with a game point of view
a camera that not only play with the point of view of normal but
also high and low angle with a conducted effectively.
Die Losung film immediately reminds us of the short film
Studio Pixar win the Oscar for animated short film category
answer: The Birds. Moral message that there is always a party
that `nyeleneh 'and will want to own this dituturkan with
very smart and without words (the dialogue going, but
is not expressed with the word `information and meaningful '
built through voice intonation). Even when the credit title
although there are still surprises that are displayed on the screen.
Best of the program for High School Film and Television Postdam -
Babelsberg, the presentation is divided into animasinya technique. Starting
with the drawing animation program that displays the Gack Gack
humorous pasquinade better and witnessed with the `cold '
pasquinade element because it is strong and some scenes `cruelty '.
This film is also loaded with visual surprises, and some surprises
adegannya as if to force us to guess what will happen,
and then it `consent 'is funny.
Lazy Sunday Afternoon play a lot and been with the visual
image of the `rough ', such as animation, animation work Bill
Plympton. Shown are `simple 'in terms of visual (because only
black and white), but excessive and brightest in animation and motion
story ideas. Gesture, tempo (slow tempo, especially motion) and
game camera angles ` 'also holds an important role in
menuturkan story. While Pigeon Affaire been with animation
Full 2D and themes that are mature, considering the main character
obsessed on the station that broadcast voice vote
announcer girls section. Simbolisasi and gesture is also shown
fully in developing the story.
Digital animation techniques to bring the two films: Bsss and Eien Klarer
Fall. Bsss even in very simple story, how a
fly strive to be standing upside down with the rest
sulurnya, take pictures with the elephant standing on belalainya
the story of a book page. This ultimately successful efforts to
the `mengejut'kan. Eien Klarer appear even though the Fall
3D environment is very complex, which also has a story
simple: how one small thing can spread into the
extraordinary (tipping point).
Sessions have also been animated puppet film of two both
classified as heavy in theme and story and can bring
its own interpretation, as shown without words.
Grobenwahn more `easy 'arrested because the story directly:
endeavor a girl who tries to attract a
youth who was very up himself. While
Cherchez la Femme mengerutkan brow enough because the full
symbolic language and a strong culture of Germany.
For experimental animation become interesting because of two
film shown here, a film from the experiment
while the story of one of the techniques penggarapannya. Tauro
bertutur is like a circle not be about the relationship
hunters (men) and that on the (cow) made from time
to time and to return to the starting point with the (again) a
surprises. Switching between the scene is done with a seemingly smooth-akan
all movies are made with techniques take one shot (one shot of
taken without a stop / cut scene for a very long). Late
Night at bereksplorasi with the technique, through the painted animation
alumnium above, such as that conducted through Alexander Petrov
the animated "The Old Man and The Sea" which uses the medium of painting
top three layers glass.
The program closed with the second three best film awards from the
tahun2004: King of Fools, and Feldversuche Lucia. King of Fools
been with the 2D animation is about telling stories of a frog
attract attention in the super hind section, with
play with the transformation of the gesture and in accordance with each
form of transformation. Return surprise awaits at the time of credit
its title. Movies Lucia has a serious theme, about a
a sick little girl because the brain tumor and been through animation
3D computer. Invited spectators to be able to feel `and conditions
with occasional sakit'nya Lucia is in perspective that Lucia
own (subjective shot). Ketidakberdayaan, drop out of hopes and
expectations, which then appear nicely displayed.
Last film for both programs is Feldversuche, which bertutur
on a small rabbit with a carrot diligent caring
grow so big, bigger than the body of the rabbit is
alone. And while he is working hard to be able to revoke
carrots, and something has to be behind him. Feldversuche
been in clay animation with the monochrome color tone. And
like the previous two films, this movie also been without a narrative
dituturkan the story is based on gesture and the transition scenes.
Program completed by the last Best Of Austria and Germany with 6 movies
animation and short films. Der Der Erlkonig memvisualkan poetize
Erlkonig work with Goethe simbolisasi Germany which is very strong.
The style of visualization and the distillation ornamentik (although
serumit not like the film Ali und der Hexenmeister), berkisah
about a father who tries to maintain life
son. Das Schloss (The Castle) appear with animated dolls
with the feel of the dark and mysterious, when a young man forced to
live in a castle in a village that has been abandoned
population. Feel the mystery that was built since the early
fishing for the attention we suspect guess what happens
Die Eisbderin akan story reminds us on the Girls Seller lucifer
Fire, although dituturkan braided with a different story. A
homeless women around from one place to the trash
other waste and find a pair of ski boots and then
bring them to one of the world and experience the miraculous. Spectators
themselves left alone decide what happens at the end of the
Movies Yo Lo Vi (I saw it) about the history of the relevant
with the work of Goya. Movies with the long duration of this
combine a variety of animation techniques, rotoscoping, collage, computer
graphics, photography, animation and hand enough to make us think
hard to catch the story you want to disampaikannya. Not infrequently,
a frame in the animation, there is another frame animation: animation
in animation. An exploration techniques in animation.
Der moderne Zyklop film (The Modern Cyclop) tells about a
the island is inhabited by a Cyclop (a giant one-eyed) who obtained
serombongan visits from German tourists who want to know. Hits
before ending with a shock-shock, especially for a pair of tourists
then cross the road of life is different because
keingintahuannya it. This film is a puppet animation film.
Fast film is the last film with the appropriate name is
bertutur fast and filled with visual surprises. Film
telling stories about a detective who hunt and save
a girl from the evil. The story of a `standard 'that
dituturkan the same way, it was not standard. To
story telling, this film combines the various film dikolasekan
thus able to deliver the main story. Pieces of film
taken from a film that is known broadly, especially films 007
with the actor Sean Connery. As disclosed in the catalog
festival: "Fast Film is persecution through hunting techniques
film "and this expression can also be translated literally.
Learning from the German Film & Animation
Interesting it seems every time I see films from other countries,
because there are always new things that can be arrested let alone films
the running time is really new because it has never been
shown here. In addition, for the time period
production of a long (DEFA film animation option is
historic collections made around the year 1977-1988 while
best film school Postdam-Babelsberg production is 2004) then
we can also learn about the `journey 'German animated film,
both from the technical side, the concept and the story. Many `shock '
which are presented through the film because some of the film
even using the techniques that are well known, but capable
mengaplikasikannya with a `different 'and get
a rousing applause from the audience.
Film is built mainly with the visual language: what is displayed
and arrested by the eye. Therefore, successful case tuturan
a film can be seen from the reaction penontonnya. Especially if
penontonnya is `foreign 'does not understand that oral language
and any posts that use the film.
In this festival there are some movies that appear in the language
Germany without the text, even without a majority of the narrative appear at all,
and the story is built on the elements of visual media AV. Borrow
Pak Primasi terms of governance said outside (the transition between
scene / Sequence) and the administration said in (what is displayed
in the `screen 'in each scene, such as composition, gesture,
characterization), she also became a key element of the film
German animation this is able to communicate with the audience `foreign '
not necessarily understand the language and culture of Germany.
Element movement gesture to small details like that is not important,
selection and image composition and camera angles
exquisite figure in shaping character and stream
communication for penontonnya. In some movies, a game -
a game like this helps to understand the story, sometimes even
as if we are able to read the signs earlier for suspected visual
scene what would happen next. Not infrequently the game -
this game menimbullkan sensation that average invite
derisive laughter: a sign that elements of humor that is usually loaded
with local audiences can tersampaikan of the `local '
the other. Or can also artikan as elements of humor that has been go
able by the international community because the more knowledgeable.
Development of the technique is also quite extraordinary.
In addition to techniques that are generally known in the animation as animated
classical (2D), the animated objects (3D with claymation, dolls, etc.),
and computer animation, exploration is also done with the
techniques to achieve before a new technique in
convey ideas and komunikasinya. Also, exploration of the medium
own, as appears in the film at Late Night, which
apply animation techniques with painting. Or the Fast Film
would play with the film technically to build itself
It is important we realize it or not, each of akan
the local loads of each, no matter how and with
technical paper that is displayed. In films that are shown
this, there is still a red thread that refers to the
elements of `local 'Germany. Either side of the visual, and how bertutur
communicate to the content / story content. In fact, some film
is loaded with elements of `local ', which require interpretation
and understanding more about German culture to be able
understand it more comfortable.
Mbak Lanny's Goethe Institute had the opportunity in a
says, sometimes patience is required to be able to understand the film,
especially foreign films with a different culture. Patient in the sense
stand to watch a film can be a very complex
even from the beginning to the end. By looking at things from the beginning of the
until the end result will be a new insight and knowledge,
because we can `forced 'to learn to understand something
overall view, not just the partial. And surely
there are new things that we can get from what we watch,
anything that.
Thank you very much for Mr. Robin Mallick and some of Lanny
Goethe Institut on the cooperation and visits to the animation festival
This is interesting. For those who have not seen in Bandung
yesterday, can `IKJ mengejar'nya in Jakarta on Saturday, June 5
2004, hours 13.00 - evening. Akan regretted not guaranteed! Happy watching!
Film and Animation Festival
Japanese Film and Animation
For you fans of movie animation film, especially Japanese animation, recently found the virus in the animated film. Not intend to frighten or just, but this information only so that we become more vigilant.
A student is known to spread the animated film that could 'poison' the computer. He reputedly put a virus file in the animated film which is then distributed via the Internet illegally. Action student named Masato Nakatsuji that terendus by the security apparatus, he was arrested. Uniquely, he was not caught with the alleged spread of virus but copyright infringement.
As quoted from the BCS detikINET, Wednesday (21/5/2008), the virus that diselipkan Nakatsuji in the animated film is harada. Harada viruses including the most frequently found in the country is Sakura.
Japan is considered slow in the fight against internet crime cases. Only a few people arrested related to the spread of the virus. In some cases, including Nakatsuji, caught the virus because it is copyright infringement and not a cyber crime.
A student is known to spread the animated film that could 'poison' the computer. He reputedly put a virus file in the animated film which is then distributed via the Internet illegally. Action student named Masato Nakatsuji that terendus by the security apparatus, he was arrested. Uniquely, he was not caught with the alleged spread of virus but copyright infringement.
As quoted from the BCS detikINET, Wednesday (21/5/2008), the virus that diselipkan Nakatsuji in the animated film is harada. Harada viruses including the most frequently found in the country is Sakura.
Japan is considered slow in the fight against internet crime cases. Only a few people arrested related to the spread of the virus. In some cases, including Nakatsuji, caught the virus because it is copyright infringement and not a cyber crime.
Japanese Film and Animation
About Japanese Animation

Anime is a given by some countries to show a Japanese animation as paper. But in Japan itself throughout the paper will be referred to as animated anime, irrespective of whether it came from Japan or other countries. Thus, the animated film from Walt Disney though, still holds a degree in Japanese anime.
Anime can be classified in the popular culture (in Japan) or on sub-culture (in the United States). In the United States, animation is still seen as a minor art, which is intended only for children. While in Japan, as a popular culture, anime has been seen as the intellectual works of art that challenges. Anime also built
based on the cultural traditions of the previous high, which is influenced by traditional Japanese art of tradition and artistic world of Cinema and photography in the 20th century this. This anime is also conducted exploration on the issues of the complex. This means that anime
capable and able to entertain on the basic levels, and provoke at the other. Anime also provides enlightenment to contemporary issues, which is able to reach the wider audience.
This can be seen as a serious cultural phenomenon, refers to the statement that the anime to be able to integrated in the Western pop culture, but still attract attention because it remains different from the West that is known mainstream. The difference here is generally associated with the animation when the United States, where Japanese animation often play with the themes that are usually found on the film-live action film.
In Japan, anime is a mainstream, from the pure pop culture phenomenon, which reach from children to adults. Japan itself is a country that is traditionally more than piktosentris from Western culture, which is shown with the use of characters and ideogram, anime and manga, and easily fit in contemporary visual culture.
Important points in the anime:
1. It is a work of art in contemporary Japan is rich and interesting, with a specific aesthetic and visual narrative, rooted in the traditional Japanese culture and art to reach the media and events.
2. With variations and subject material, anime is a mirror that is useful in contemporary Japanese society.
3. Anime is a global phenomenon, both as a commercial and cultural force.
4. Bring enlightenment on the issue on the broader relationship between the local and global culture. As for an action against the hegemony of globalization. Anime still have to root-Japan-annya, but he was also able to affect more areas outside the original area.
5. Has a unique visual style, as shown in the anime 1970s that have tracking shots, the image is for the development of a long shot, panning the 'excessive', the camera angles that are not normal and the extreme close up.
6. As a work of narrative art, a medium with elements of the visual characteristic, combined with a mix of the generic structure, thematic, and philosophical world to produce a unique aesthetic.
Note about the "importance for the different": Arjun Appadurai's opinion that the concept of culture is the most valuable concept of the difference.
In anime are not only narrative elements, but also narrative style, pacing, drawing, humor and emotional depth and a more psychological, as well as the way the story is complex.
Development of Anime
Growing anime industry has a close relationship with the decline in Japan's film industry. Animation industry started in the year 1915 with the animated works of art as a form of commercial after the post-war era and have a peak of achievement in the tv serial eruption of Ozamu Astro Boy Tezuka in 1963. Astro Boy the way the story is interesting graphic design combined with the minimal but effective main reason for success is quite fast.
Although the anime also has influence from the United States, it has lead to a different way: the orientation in the adult and the story of a complex structure as a whole. Anime TV series shape (as closely related to the development of manga that has a long episode) form the serial stories. Development into anime for Original Animation Video (OAV) and the form of a film to the big screen around the 1970s to bring Japan to outside influences.
Entering the 1990s, many pop-anime anime that are intellectually interesting, such as through the tv serial which is considered provocative: Neon Genesis Evangelion paper Hideaki Anno, and also works Mononoke Hime Hayao Miyazaki, to make known the anime.
The chronological, anime pengkarakteran evolved from a black and white stories of adventure theme Love, courage, and philosophy has become a complex, opened the way to the artistic and commercial potential.
Historic Culture in Anime
Cultural reasons behind the success and popularity of anime is very complex. One is the culture of anime manga 20th century. Manga has a larger influence on Japanese society than that which reached his brother in the United States, because the manga has a variety of broader themes. These variations cause the manga is able to provide easier access to the community. As expressed by academics Frederik L. Schodt (Manga Manga book author and the World of Japanese Comics and Dreamland Japan: Writings on Modern Manga) that, "Japan is the first country in the world in which comics can be an expression of the actual media."
Therefore, it is important to understand the relationship between manga anime world with a rich and interesting. And the most visible is on the visual style. Many similarities in both image media. As expressed by academics that Rafaelli Luca animated cut in the typical anime that relies on imagination penontonnya for menggerak story animasinya, no doubt derived from the form of
a unique visual narrative of the manga, which is very different from the comics who prefer the West dialogue.
Bound between the other manga and anime anime is usually made based on the stories that appear first in the form of manga, although the approach will result in a different format and, given the differences in media used and the people involved. Printed edition allows you to use a lot of space for eruption characters other supporters, and a more complex story, while the Cinema / film uses pacing, music, san visual performance to bring the audience a visual experience indeed.
Although it has some differences, both anime and manga share the same historical factors in a visual culture where the opportunity is given to a wider than what the West. Manga rooted in the Edo period (1600-1868) in the format or Kibyoshi book illustration and Ukiyo-e prints, or the results of the wood. Appears to be safe when it is said about the Japanese cultural tradition of the image is an influence
real universalisnya of manga and anime.
Anime Identity and Global Culture
Statement observer Susan Pointon film about a constant mix of anime and Japanese popular culture is an important thing. Anime is now no longer pure Japanese, but also influenced by Western culture. Anime but still interesting because it has a 'difference' itself.
Gynecology anime culture is very specific, with the theme, and icons that issue stems from the historical setting and the day-to-day activities. If not, the narrative in the anime show problematika's natural identity of the nation Japan: Japanese-made but not pro-Japanese setting.
Anime (and manga) often use the characters non-Japanese as people who look West, with the appearance of blonde, but still classified as anime style. As disclosed Mamoru Oshi (director of Ghost in the Shell, Patlabor The Movie) anime that is' another world '. He is different from the reality of Japan today, but more mertujuk the world to the other (isekai).
Which may be the most fundamental of the popularity of anime in Japan is not only due to limited economic and aesthetic traditions, but also from the flexibility, creativity and freedom of the media itself, as a method of resistance to Japan kemapanan community at this time.
Anime and Japanese Cultural Identity
Anime has been affected despite the extraordinary from the global culture, he is still classified as an original product from a variety of conditions and the relationship that has created the modern Japanese culture. Japanese society itself is still a unique look, as the only modern countries in Asia, as seen from the point of view of the West. And long history of Japan itself is also terekspresikan in range mode, and penggambarannya theme in anime.
Themes Apokoliptik
Be the atom bomb in the city of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and a bad dream and then follow it to give way for the occurrence of the themes apokoliptik this. End of the world (come) into one of the key elements in the print and visual culture in the era of post-war Japan. In themes such as this, even though the anime has some of the positive matrix of hope and regeneration, most anime other
move on the theme a more dark, focused attention on the destruction of society and even the planet itself.
Not only the atomic bomb tragedy and the daunting conditions that lead to follow on this theme. There are several other factors, whether the specific cultural or specific to the 20th century contributed to the birth of the dark themes in anime. These include increasing aspects keterasingan on urban society in the era of industrialization, the difference between the light generation and increased tension between gender. Also problematika that the Japanese economy in 1989 that makes bergesernya values and goals of the community was built by Japan's post-war earlier.
Despite this shift in values is felt in the young generation, as in the culture that leads the fashion and kawaii shojo (imut), confusion remains over the society, to the record breaking number suicide layer on the entire generation. Can be said that the themes reflect apokoliptik akan pesisme social expression of the community.
Themes Matsuri or Festival
Matsuri, or festival, is the integral element in the social life and religious people of Japan, as the "realism and game rituals." Limitation of the place and time of the festival allows the emergence of controlled chaos, where people can not be normal, a life free from the reasonable and daily.
In anime, this theme can be seen in the wild humor, humor, eksegerasi excessive, the game, the expression-expression and also the theme of sexual violence. Japanese society is able to express this spirit, and transforming into the form of anime. Given the anime is a place that allows experimentation, transformation, and especially as a gateway to enter the world a more radical compared to the other world, such as the live action world Cinema.
Theme of elegy
The word itself literally elegy to the death of poetry written in the style of 'reluctantly' and can be applied more widely, to show mourning mood and melankolis, may be mixed with Nostalgia. Mood also plays an important role in the cultural expression of people of Japan. Elegy also have relationships with tradition lyrics lyrics-long Japanese culture in the pre-and modernization in the past often associated with the natural world, and seasonal changes. Expression
Japan showed the classic grief, mono no aware, often associated with natural objects such as cherry mekarnya and water views.
In the anime, theme elegy exist many variations on the genre, and although the theme may not be too elegy in central anime other than the second mode, he still has, in the most enriched element comics and anime at this time.
Is important to remember the anime as a popular culture that has a broad reach. Anime follow in all aspects of society and culture as a material, not only the most contemporary trends and the latest, but also the level of terdalam history, religion, philosophy and politics. Anime can be very creative, the intellectual challenge and be as estetikanya terms.
It is also important to understand that no one in the anime style. The difference is that it is not simply a distinction between Japan's and not Japan. Anime adopt a difference, and through, creating a new form of artistic and still receive information by diperkaya model representation, which are both traditional culture and also representation from the universal property of the human imagination.
About Japanese Animation

Anime (アニメ) (read: a-ni-me, not a-nim) is the typical Japanese animation, which is usually characterized through the pictures colorful display of figures in a variety of locations and stories, which is aimed at various types of spectators. Anime image manga influenced style, typical Japanese comics.
The word anime to appear in writing in three katakana characters a, ni, me (アニメ) which is the language from English serapan "Animation" and pronounced as "Anime-shon".
Anime first reached a wide popularity is the paper Ozamu Astro Boy Tezuka in 1963. Now anime is very developed compared to the first days of anime. With graphics that have been developed to plot the story more interesting and exciting. Japan Society is enthusiastic about watching anime and reading manga. From children to adults. They assume, anime is as part of their lives, This is some of the popular cable television akan some kartunnya film, such as Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon export kartunnya. To be able to get anime, they should buy the DVD / VCD anime or anime they can download it from the site-site service provider Direct Download Link (DDL). Now anime into a business that arouse all the people, and also many people who have used this case to a criminal action. Creator of the anime itself is called animator.Para Animator is working disebuah media company to produce an anime. In the company, there are some mutual animator who worked together to produce a high quality anime. But really be pitied, the animator's salary is small compared with their hard work. This is the reluctant to make the animator to work for a professional. They feel it is not comparable with the effort they have to do. The animator is often called the Artists' own shadow. Because they work like an artist who seeks the elements of the story and elements intrinsiknya.
The Vampire Anime
The Vampire Anime
The movie Twilight, Goth fashion, teen cliques, teen angst and internet access added up to a sucky scare at one of New England's oldest high schools, Boston Latin. Last week students began emailing news outlets claiming there were vampires at their school, that students had been bitten and that the police were called into investigate.
The release of box office vampire smash Twilight on DVD may have added to the teen-vs-teen unease. But really, this whole incident points out the holes in today's educational system. Any student who had read Dracula, or even Interview with the Vampire, or seen a traditional vampire movie--would know that teen vampires would not be attending classes. They'd be home schooled after dark.
The Vampire Anime
The Anime Pictures
Anime an abbreviated Japanese pronunciation of "animation", pronounced in Japanese, but typically pronounced is animation in Japan. The rest of the world regards anime as "Japanese animation". Anime originated about 1917. Anime, like manga, is extremely popular in Japan and well known throughout the world. Distributors can release anime via television broadcasts, directly to video, or theatrically, as well as online.
Both hand-drawn and computer animated anime exist. It is used in television series, films, video, video games, commercials, and internet-based releases, and represents most, if not all, genres of fiction.
Body proportions emulated in anime come from proportions of the human body. The height of the head is considered as the base unit of proportion. Head heights can vary as long as the remainder of the body remains proportional. Most anime characters are about seven to eight heads tall, and extreme heights are set around nine heads tall.
Variations to proportion can be modded. Super deformed characters feature a non-proportionally small body compared to the head. Sometimes specific body parts, like legs, are shortened or elongated for added emphasis. Mostly super deformed characters are two to four heads tall. Some anime works like Crayon Shin-chan completely disregard these proportions. It is enough such that it resembles a Western cartoon. For exaggeration, certain body features are increased in proportion.
Both hand-drawn and computer animated anime exist. It is used in television series, films, video, video games, commercials, and internet-based releases, and represents most, if not all, genres of fiction.
Body proportions emulated in anime come from proportions of the human body. The height of the head is considered as the base unit of proportion. Head heights can vary as long as the remainder of the body remains proportional. Most anime characters are about seven to eight heads tall, and extreme heights are set around nine heads tall.
Variations to proportion can be modded. Super deformed characters feature a non-proportionally small body compared to the head. Sometimes specific body parts, like legs, are shortened or elongated for added emphasis. Mostly super deformed characters are two to four heads tall. Some anime works like Crayon Shin-chan completely disregard these proportions. It is enough such that it resembles a Western cartoon. For exaggeration, certain body features are increased in proportion.
The Anime Pictures
The American Dad
American Dad! is a satirical American animated series owned by Underdog Productions and Fuzzy Door Productions and produced in association with 20th Century Fox Television.
It was created by Seth MacFarlane, the creator of Family Guy, as well as two former Family Guy writers, Mike Barker and Matt Weitzman. The pilot episode aired in the United States on Fox on February 6, 2005, thirty minutes after the end of Super Bowl XXXIX; the regular series began May 1, 2005, after the season premiere of Family Guy. American Dad! follows the events of CIA agent Stan Smith and his family.
It was created by Seth MacFarlane, the creator of Family Guy, as well as two former Family Guy writers, Mike Barker and Matt Weitzman. The pilot episode aired in the United States on Fox on February 6, 2005, thirty minutes after the end of Super Bowl XXXIX; the regular series began May 1, 2005, after the season premiere of Family Guy. American Dad! follows the events of CIA agent Stan Smith and his family.
The American Dad
Age of Conan Hyborian Adventures
Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures is a fantasy-themed massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) developed by the Norwegian computer video game developer company Funcom for PCs. The game launched at 11 p.m. (GMT) on May 17, 2008 in a limited way, being available to those who had pre-ordered the game and registered for early access. The full release of the game for North America was May 20, 2008 and for Europe May 23, 2008 for the PC version. Although originally announced as being available for the Xbox 360, the console version is at least a year behind schedule.
Hyborian Adventures is the first installment in the planned Age of Conan series. Age of Conan itself takes place within the continent of the Hyborian kingdoms, a year after the events depicted in Robert E. Howard's Conan novel, The Hour of the Dragon. Hyborian Adventures' release celebrated the 76th anniversary of the Conan franchise.
Characters in Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures are created on a user account on a particular online server. Characters created on one server cannot be played on another. Players create characters which function as their virtual avatars in the online world of Hyboria. When creating a character in Age of Conan, the player may choose from three playable races. The character is one of four archetypes (in bold) and one of three class selections for each archetype.
Hyborian Adventures is the first installment in the planned Age of Conan series. Age of Conan itself takes place within the continent of the Hyborian kingdoms, a year after the events depicted in Robert E. Howard's Conan novel, The Hour of the Dragon. Hyborian Adventures' release celebrated the 76th anniversary of the Conan franchise.
Characters in Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures are created on a user account on a particular online server. Characters created on one server cannot be played on another. Players create characters which function as their virtual avatars in the online world of Hyboria. When creating a character in Age of Conan, the player may choose from three playable races. The character is one of four archetypes (in bold) and one of three class selections for each archetype.
Age of Conan Hyborian Adventures
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